By Jean Boonstra
Did you attend the International Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh this summer? If you were there, perhaps you had an experience like Judah did.
Yawn. Judah stretched. He didn’t expect that Camporee would be this much fun—or this tiring!
“Breakfast is over everyone,” said Mr. Garcia sitting down. “Time for worship!”
Judah, Jamey, and the other Discovery Mountain Pathfinders gathered for worship.
“Today we’re reading from Luke chapter 11,” Mr. Garcia said turning the pages in his Bible. “Luke 11:9 says ‘So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.’”
Mr. Garcia looked at Judah and smiled. “God is never sleepy.”
“That’s good,” Judah answered with a yawn.
Mr. Garcia laughed. “God provides for us. Seek, or look, and you will find that He gives His children just what we need,” he continued.
“Mr. Garcia,” asked Jamey, “what are we seeking here at Camporee?”
“We’re seeking God,” Mr. Garcia answered. “We’re looking for Him.”
“But, we can’t see Him, so how can we find Him?” Jamey asked.
“It’s a little like our friendships here on Earth,” Mr. Garcia continued.
Suddenly, Judah spotted someone out of the corner of his eye. It looked like his friend Ben from summer camp. Could it be? “Ben?” he said, almost to himself.
“Yes,” Mr. Garcia said, “It’s like your friend Ben, Judah.”
“Judah didn’t hear Mr. Garcia’s comment, he was too busy searching the crowd. “Ben?!” he called out a little louder.
“How do you stay friends with Ben when you don’t live close to each other?” Mr. Garcia asked.
“Ben!” Judah called out again, not listening.
“Mr. Garcia,” Jamey answered for Judah, “It’s like me and my dad. When he’s overseas we stay connected by spending time together.”
“Jamey,” Judah interrupted. “Does that guy over there look like Ben?”
Jamey turned to look. “The tall guy with the orange bandana? Maybe.”
“Ben!” Judah called out even louder.
Jamey strained her head to look. “He looked this way, Judah. I think it is Ben!”
Mr. Garcia closed his Bible and laughed gently. “Well, what are you waiting for? Go catch him, Judah!”
“Quick, he disappeared behind the yellow tent!” Jamey added.
Mr. Garcia and the Pathfinders watched Judah as he ran into the crowd to find his friend.
“That’s how God wants you to seek, to look, for Him too,” Mr. Garcia shared. “Will you run eagerly to look for Him by studying your Bible and praying?”
The group smiled and agreed.
“Mr. Garcia,” said Jamey. “Judah just showed us one way to exercise our faith!”
The group laughed in agreement. “You’ve got that right, Jamey,” Mr. Garcia agreed with a smile.
Did Judah find Ben? Listen to the Mini Adventure called Find Ben!