May 17, 2022

Mom Jokes

By: Jean Boonstra

Did you know that some of our favorite moms in Discovery Mountain are also some of the best joke tellers? 


Mabel Peabody: Harold, did you know that the Tomato family likes to hike just like we do? 

Harold: Tomato family? 

Mabel: Yes. What did the Momma Tomato say to the Little Tomato on their hike? 

Harold: What? 

Mabel: Catch up! 


Michelle Harris: Gracie, do you know which tea is my favorite after a busy day at the Café? 

Gracie: Peppermint? 

Michelle: Calm-omile tea. 


Hannah Lewis: Logan, what’s an astronaut’s favorite treat? 

Logan: What? 

Hannah: Mars bar. 


Michelle Harris: Gracie, did you know that the Bean children learned how to knit?

Gracie: Bean children? What did they knit? 

Michelle: A sweater. 

Gracie: Why? 

Michelle: It’s a present for their mother. She’s chili. 


Hannah Lewis: Logan, what did the momma spider say to the teenager spider? 

Logan: I don’t know what? 

Hannah: You spend too much time on the web. 


Mabel Peabody: Harold, do you know what kind of flowers I’d like for Mother’s Day? 

Harold: Tulips? 

Mabel: Chrysanthe-mums.